Daytrip to Saraholmen Island

For many years, it has been a tradition for the Maxi-children to visit a deserted island. We go out to Saraholmen, an island that we can see from the beach.

Stories from the iland.

The children will hear the story about the island beforehand. There has been a house there, a stove foundry, and several families have lived there. We will hear some of the stories that the children experienced and how they lived. We will bring a lavvo and get ready for an expedition. We will walk around the island to look at the ruins of the different settlements. We also have to walk past the scary cliff that is also the centre of some exciting stories. We will bring a trash bag and pick up everything that does not belong in nature.

Beautiful nature

At the end of the island we have to be especially careful because there are often bird nests on the ground. We also look at plants and insects that live there. During the day we will fish for crab, and also do some swimming. 

More information about the trip with times and a packing list will follow.

After school programmes (SFO)

The schools in Bærum municipality invite kindergartens located in the zone for an informal activity at the school/SFO – for example singing, a performance, math day, activity day or SFO.

We will be invited to Høvik Verk school. 

Because the children start at many different schools, we will instead of all going to Høvik Verk, go visiting each school. The kindergarten will contact these schools in order to attend visiting days. We will also contact schools in other municipalities, in order to visit. All children will then visit their school together with a friend from kindergarten. We will make a plan over when the visits are and who is going when.

For schools in Bærum municipality, final enrollment to SFO (skolefritidsordning) is to be completed electronically by 1st June. The enrollment form can be found on the municipality’s website.

End or year celebration for Maxi

In june we will have an end-of-year celebration for the Maxi-children. Siblings and parents are welcome to join the ceremony where the children will be given their memory folders.

Connection between school and kindergarten

These are objects, games or toys that children will find both in kindergarten and school. All kindergartens and schools in Bærum municipality will allow students to get to know a common book, a boardgame, a game and a song. The idea of using common border objects in the municipality is to increase the likelihood that children experience a continuity and connection between kindergarten and school.

The boundary objects are:

  • Book: “Skinnvotten” (The mitten) A Ukrainian story, remade by Alf Prøysen
  • Boardgame: “Villkatten” (Wild Cat)
  • Game: “Hauk og Due” (Hawk and Dove)
  • Song: “Stopp! Ikke mobb!” (Stop! Don’t bully!) Frode Skålevik

