Each department with different staff, skills and age groups.

4 departments

Explore the departments
Transitions between groups
To create predictability and stability we have divided the departments into age groups.
We experience that the age division gives the groups good opportunities to give the children experiences and activities adjusted to their development and needs.
Children start at Multemyra or Jordbær and they will move to next group the August after they have turned 2 years old. At Blåbær they stay for 2 years until they go to Tyttebær for the 2 last years in the kindergarten.
The departments
Maximum group size: 9
Age group: 1-2
Staff members: 3
Phone number: +47 95 42 67 98

What we do at Multemyra
We believe that small groups of children are important when starting up in the kindergarten to create a soft start and a safe adaption period. The introduction to a new life outside family and home is a big transition for the children.
The two departments cooperate closely and they will have age divided groups across the departments to secure the quality of the activities to all children in the groups.
For the youngest toddlers, the most important topics to work with are:
- Create safe attachment to staff
- Create relationship with peers
- Start to understand basic social skills
- Help with regulation of feelings and emotions
- Can explore the world with all senses and the whole body
- Introduction to playing
The routines of the department:
After arriving to the kindergarten, maybe had breakfast and then some playing, the children go outside together or have group activities in divided age groups.
One permanent day of the week is also a hiking day. We have plenty of places just outside the kindergarten to visit.
After coming in there is a gathering with singing and fairytales.
For lunch, there is a hot meal and then the children go to sleep inside on mattresses or outside in a pram.
After waking up there is playing outside or inside and another meal at 14.30 where sandwiches are prepared.
Age group: 1-2
Staff members: 3
Phone number: +47 954 28 187

What we do at Jordbærenga
We believe that small groups of children are important when starting up in the kindergarten to create a soft start and a safe adaption period. The introduction to a new life outside family and home is a big transition for the children.
The two departments cooperate closely and they will have age divided groups across the departments to secure the quality of the activities to all children in the groups.
For the youngest toddlers, the most important topics to work with are:
- Create safe attachment to staff
- Create relationship with peers
- Start to understand basic social skills
- Help with regulation of feelings and emotions
- Can explore the world with all senses and the whole body
- Introduction to playing
The routines of the department:
After arriving to the kindergarten, maybe had breakfast and then some playing, the children go outside together or have group activities in divided age groups.
One permanent day of the week is also a hiking day. We have plenty of places just outside the kindergarten to visit.
After coming in there is a gathering with singing and fairytales.
For lunch, there is a hot meal and then the children go to sleep inside on mattresses or outside in a pram.
After waking up there is playing outside or inside and another meal at 14.30 where sandwiches are prepared.
Age group: 2-3
Staff members: 3
Phone number: +47 954 27 657

What we do at Blåbærtua
Going to Blåbærtua is a new step into a bigger world. There are more children and often different staff. They move with a lot of their peers and take the experiences with them to the next level.
It is a time for focus on:
- Language development
- Playing skills and playing TOGETHER
- Developing more independence in routines
- Acknowledge feelings and help regulate
- Introductions to more songs, books and fairytales
- To express themselves in a group
- To experience and learn about inclusion
- To express own boundaries
Routines on the department:
Arriving to the kindergarten and start playing with the peers. About 09.30 there will be different activities in groups.
One of the days will be a hiking day where we explore the surroundings in the forest at the beach.
Sometimes we will use the Gym.
Before lunch there will be a gathering with a joint focus and the children participation.
At lunch, there is served a hot meal and they are seated in groups around the table.
After lunch, some will sleep inside, while the rest of the groups will go outside for playing.
At 14.30 we usually go inside for the second meal with sandwiches, before more playing inside or outside before parents arrive to pick up.
Age group: 4-5
Staff members: 5
Phone number: +47 95 42 93 31

What we do at Tyttebærtua
Starting on the last period of kindergarten life the children move to the top floor. Here is the world adjusted to prepare for the transition to school. But before we let them slip out of our gate, we want them to have experience with:
- Exploring a variety of activities to find out what I can master and enjoy the most
- More language preparation including language groups
- To handle conflict with the peers
- To encourage the curiosity of learning new stuff
- To enhance the self-esteem and the self confidence
- Guidance and support to self-regulation
- Learn about self-assertion and own boundaries
- To handle resistant to create resilience
- To develop advance playing skills
- Get experience with letters, mathematical concepts and numbers.
- More advance books and fairytales
- Awareness of sustainable development in the world
- To experience the use of digital tools
Routines on the department:
Arriving to the kindergarten and start playing with the peers. About 09.30 there will be different activities in groups.
One of the days will be a hiking day where we explore the surroundings in the forest at the beach.
All children will visit the Gym during the week.
Before lunch there will be a gathering for all children with different topics that they are working with.
At lunch, there is served a hot meal and they are seated in groups around the table.
After lunch the children will go outside for playing.
At 14.30 we usually go inside for the second meal with sandwiches, before more playing inside or outside before parents arrive to pick up.Maxi group
Courage – To practice doing what I can not
Enthusiasm – Looking forward to school
The children who will start at school the next year are called the maxi group. Throughout the year they have a separate group where we work with different activities to prepare for school.
Topics you can read more about:
- Transition kindergarten
- School Conclusion (Avslutning) for the maxi children
- Nature school
- Overnight trip to Saraholmen