Outdoor school

During autumn or spring, the Maxi-children will be offered the chance to attend a nature school, organised by the Outdoor school “Overallehauger”. The nature school will last for 4 weeks and is located at Knabberud. We will travel by mini-bus to Knabberud. The parents will pay for the course and the kindergarten will pay for the transport.

The nature school encourages challenges, excitement, learning and playing in the woods. The course focuses on the spring and the use of our senses, as well as new life. There are visits to the birdcages and explorations of the pond. There are also nature trails, whittling and track trails with different topics.

We will learn a lot of new things that we can bring “home” to the woods around Veritas, and we can continue our exploration.

More information and the programme concerning the nature school will be sent out beforehand.

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