Going to school

Collaborative meetings

All schools in Bærum invite to collaborative meetings between kindergarten and school to discuss the transition from kindergarten to school. The schools in Bærum municipality have two meetings a year and they invite the kindergartens located in their assigned zones. We belong to the zone for Høvik Verk school. As we are not a typical local kindergarten and have children going to many different schools, we consider from year to year which meetings are most appropriate to attend. We shall contact the relevant schools ourselves.

Head teacher/head of department visits the school starters in kindergarten

For schools in Bærum municipality, the rector or head of department who has responsibility for 1st grade and SFO shall come to kindergarten to visit the children who are starting school. The visit shall be informal, and it shall allow children to get to know the head teacher/department head and ask questions about the school. If there are fewer than three children in kindergarten who are going to start the school in question then, instead of visiting us, the school can call us in to a “get to know each other” meeting at the school for these children with parents before the “miniskoledagen” (mini school day).

Mentor scheme

In Bærum municipality, all schools have a mentor scheme. The purpose of the mentor scheme is to familiarize new pupils with older pupils thus creating security during start-up. This scheme can start in the spring before the start of school and last the entire first school year. There may also be a mentor scheme at SFO.

“Miniskoledag” (mini school day)

All children starting in 1st grade are invited to a “mini-school day” at school. In the schools in Bærum municipality, parents are with the children on this day. For other schools, parents must also attend this day as unfortunately we do not have the opportunity to do so. The purpose of this day is to make the children familiar with the school and school life. In Bærum municipality, the day is led by teachers familiar with 1st grade. The day will have content similar to a normal school day. The children will also get to know the SFO premises and routines. Mentors or SFO children from 4th grade can host the children. Letters about mini-school days are sent home to the children from school so you will receive information well in advance.


All parents will be called in for a conference regarding transition to school which is the last parent conference in kindergarten. The purpose of this conference is to evaluate the time spent in kindergarten and to prepare children and guardians for the transition to school. Prior to the conference, parents will receive information with a transfer form. The pedagogue and parents fill out the form separately and take it to the conference. During the conference, the forms are coordinated. The child will be included for the final part of the conference, to fill out the last part of the form.

The purpose of the transfer form is to ensure that information is passed on for the benefit of the child and their further education.

In some cases, it may be appropriate to have a transfer meeting with the school. This would be clarified with the parents beforehand.

You will receive more detailed information concerning times.

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